Monday, April 25, 2011

Oregon & Easter

Happy Easter!!

Cohen opening his Easter basket... he loved all his new toys!

Decorating Easter eggs... what a mess, but so much fun!

He looked like an Easter egg at the end with his body paint.
Look at his legs

Helping mom wash the car...

Our Oregon visit. Cohen wants to be just like Maxi. He only would eat at the table next to him.

Gymanstics Birthday Party. The boys had a great time.

1,2,3... jump (or fall)

Easter bunny at the mall with Ammy and our cousins.
Taxi please
Cohen was scared to sit on the bunny's lap.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Cohen Cleaning

Cohen likes to help mommy clean and make messes. The other morning he came to show me how he got into me eyeliner and made a picture on his face. He was so proud of himself. He was laughing, pointing and looking at himself in the mirror all morning. I had to take a picture to show you what an artist he is.