Sunday, May 29, 2011

Cohen's Baptism

Today was a very special day for our family; Cohen was baptised. We were able to celebrate with a bunch of the family and our good friends. Grandma & Grandpa Nelson, Nana & Papa, Ammy & Auntie Kenz, and Cohen's Godparent's Nick, Danielle & Bella were all able to be there with us this morning. We then had a brunch at our house with everyone afterwards. Overall it was a great day and I must say Cohen looked pretty darn handsome!

Carrying his favorite suitcase into church.

Pastor Nate baptising Cohen.
Cohen got a shell and cross as a keepsake along with his certificate.

The whole bunch standing before the church.

Pool party afterwards (the kids were the only brave one's) It was very windy and cold.
Auntie Danielle taking turns with both the kids.

Our made up slide for the pool. It is a hit with the kids I must say.

Eating his yummy cake.
Who knew he would get gifts on this special day? He was pretty excited!

Family Visits!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Weekend of Fun!

Hanging out at Auntie D and Uncle Nick's house. Bella was still asleep so he was playing with the dogs.

Our day at the zoo. It was Cohen's first time at the Wildlife World Zoo. He loved the animals.

The Giraffe licked Cohen's hand and he did not love him after that. He was a little scared!

We went to help Scott wash his truck at work and Cohen wanted to play on the tractors. He loves tractors. We look for them everyday on our way to work.

Cohen pooping on the big boy potty! He is doing pretty good.

Monday, May 16, 2011